The rise and fall of the heart

The heart is a very interesting organ. It can do a lot of things, like pump blood around our bodies and let us feel emotions. It's a strong organ that can bring us love, happiness, and joy. But it can also cause pain and make people angry.

When we feel rejected, sad, or anxious, it can be hard to deal with the feelings that come along with it. Sometimes it's hard to figure out why we feel the way we do and why we can't get rid of it. Finding the strength to keep going and keep fighting can be even harder.

But it's important to keep in mind that these feelings are part of what it means to be human. They are a normal part of life, and they help us get where we are going. We can't always choose how we feel, but we can choose how we act when we do. We can choose to treat ourselves with kindness and care for ourselves. We can reach out and talk to someone who can help us if we want to.

It's also important to keep in mind that these feelings will pass. They will go away, and we can move on. We can learn how to handle our feelings and find peace. We can find ways to treat ourselves well and look after ourselves. We can find ways to be kind to others and help them through their problems.

The heart is a very strong organ. It can bring us happiness and love, but it can also hurt and make us angry. But it's important to remember that these feelings are normal and only last for a short time. We can learn how to handle our feelings and find peace. We can find ways to treat ourselves well and look after ourselves. We can find ways to be kind to others and help them through their problems.

How to make consistency work for you

Consistency is a powerful tool for improving life, and it is key to achieving success in any area of life. Consistency is the act of doing something regularly and in a predictable manner. It allows you to build momentum, create habits, and ultimately achieve your goals. It is through consistency that we are able to make progress and see real change in our lives.

We all have areas in our lives that we would like to improve, whether it be our physical health, mental well-being, relationships, or faith journey. Without consistency, it is easy to engage in the “starting and stopping” routine, which can impede progress. But when we follow a steady or dependable path or routine, it allows us to focus on the long-term aspect and stay motivated to achieve our goals.

But consistency is not just about sticking to a routine. It is also about character. Character is the lens through which we view our world, and character determines how we interact with others, approach challenges, and how we live our lives. A strong character is defined by a set of values and principles that guide one’s actions and decisions. This is the foundation upon which one’s life is built. It shapes how you think, feel, and behave, and it provides a sense of purpose and direction, helping you navigate the challenges and obstacles that life presents. 

Consistency is the ability to maintain these values, principles, and beliefs in all aspects of our lives, regardless of the circumstances. It is about being true to ourselves and standing firm in our convictions. It is vital to self-growth and growing in our faith because it keeps us grounded and focused on what is truly important. 

As you become consistent in character and are truer to yourself and your beliefs, you attract others who share your values and principles. This helps build a community of support and encouragement that helps you grow. It also helps you understand and live out your faith, building a deeper relationship with God and understanding the purpose of your life. It also enables you to see others through a new lens and helps you to feel compassion toward them and a desire to make life better for them, as well. 

How Does Being Consistent Benefit You

One of the greatest benefits of being consistent is that it can help reduce stress and anxiety. When you know what to expect, you do not feel as stressed or anxious about what is about to happen. It alleviates the feelings of fear and uncertainty. This makes it easier to achieve your goals, which helps improve your overall well-being and confidence.

Being consistent also benefits your mental and physical health. When you are consistent in your actions and habits, you are more likely to develop healthy habits, such as regular exercise and healthy eating. These healthy habits can help improve your overall well-being and can help reduce the risk of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, consistency can help you develop positive coping mechanisms, such as meditation or journaling, which can help you manage stress and anxiety more effectively. 

Consistency also plays a vital role in maintaining relationships. Our character is not only reflected in how we treat ourselves, but also in our relationships and how we treat others. When you are consistent in communication, actions, and follow-through, it can help build trust and reliability. When you are consistent in showing kindness, generosity, and compassion, you create a sense of community and belonging and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

How Can You Be Consistent

One of the best ways to achieve consistency is to be intentional. When you are consistent in your actions and habits, you create a sense of predictability and stability in your life. This aids in self-growth and self-development because it helps reduce stress and anxiety and enables you to focus on your goals.

  • Set aside specific times each day to focus on your goals. This enables you to make progress and achieve your desired outcome.

  • Set clear and realistic goals for yourself. This helps ensure you are working toward something that is meaningful to you. Break each goal down into smaller, more-manageable steps, and develop a plan for achieving them. This will make it easier to make steady progress.

  • Be consistent in your actions and habits. Set aside time each day to work toward your goals and make a commitment to maintain healthy habits. Be consistent in your communication and follow-through with others. This builds trust and reliability in your relationships.

Being consistent contributes to many areas of your life and strengthens them. As you become more intentional with your actions and thoughts, fear is diminished and you gain the confidence to take on new challenges. Your character is strengthened, and you become grounded and focused on what is important, freeing you to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Foundations of a Good Mental Health Routine and how to build the right routine

And as most of you know, I have always been very open about the good, the bad, and the ugly surrounding my mental health and struggles.

AlI though, I have done tons of work over the years to improve my mental health, and to grow on a deeper level and improve my love for myself, I still have lots of work to do, and it’s a continuous process of growing, healing, and learning to love myself and my soul.

Although reading, self-help books and talking to therapist in the past has helped me make quite a bit of progress with my mental health and self-love, I have come to the conclusion that if I don’t also take care of my body physically at least on some level, I will not make much more progress in self-love, self understanding, and self growth.

Taking care of oneself physically looks differently for everybody, and I will never make anyone feel bad or insecure for the way they choose to live their life, or treat their body. Still, I have decided that working to gain muscle, eating lots more protein, and getting a better diet is the best way for me to continue this journey of self-growth.

There is countless research that shows that eating protein and taking care of your body physically, even in the smallest amount can drastically improve your mental health, as well as every aspect of your life, including memory, and your ability to think and be creative.

Though I have made major progress in my mental health over the years and how I deal with certain situations, for the most part, I have not taken care of my body, physically, as well as I could have been, and should’ve been.

I have made the decision that in order to improve my mental health and cognitive thinking as well as my memory, i’m going to start taking small steps to improve my physical health, eventually, I have a goal to gain a six pack and lots more muscle.

One of the ways I am making steps to improve my mental health, as well as physical health is by intermittent fasting, studies have shown that intermittent fasting consistently can improve life expectancy by by 18%.

over the past several days I been doing my best to fast anywhere between 14 and 18 hours a day including sleep time. 14 hours a day when I know that I am going to be able to get a lot of protein and 18 hours a day on days that I know I’m not going to eat the healthiest. But I have been trying to plan ahead.

Another way I have been doing this is trying to eat as much protein as possible. I try to consume at least 160 g of protein a day if possible.

No, this journey is going to be a long hard process. I’m going to try to do this as quick as possible. I believe there are elements and stages to improving mental health as I have recently discovered. And I have improved quite a few stages, and I believe I won’t be able to improve my mental health and growth any further, if I do not also improve my physical health as well.

I believe money is replaceable, but time, and your mind is not replaceable. Taking care of those things and prioritizing those things will allow me to live a longer and more fulfilled life. I also want to start my own business, but I have not yet had any creative ideas. I believe by improving my physical health. This will also allow me to get more creative, and eventually allow me to create a successful in the future.

I hope to document my journey and inspire others along the way! Everybody’s journey looks different, and what works for me might not work for you, but if I can inspire you to make a difference in your life, I want to do that!

The upside and downside of happiness and positivity

We all come from all different backgrounds, and we were all taught differently; depending on how you were brought up, you could have been taught being optimistic and happy is the best and easiest to get the most out of life. With that said, you could’ve also been taught the complete opposite; you could’ve been taught that chasing your dreams, thinking outside the box, and being too happy and positive will crush you more long-term.

You could have been taught that thinking crazy it’s too crazy; you could’ve been told running a business is not realistic. You could’ve been taught that you would end up being happier if you were just settled and stopped pushing so hard towards those crazy unrealistic, and ridiculous goals.

Regardless of which side you are on and what you have been taught about negativity, happiness, chasing your dreams, how you should choose to think and how you should use to act to get the most out of your life, I am here to tell you that I believe neither of those directions is always correct, I think that from time to time in certain circumstances negativity, sadness and stress could be more beneficial than positivity, The opposite can also be said that being too negative, and too pessimistic can also damage you.

If you believe positivity and happiness, and optimism are all you need throughout your life, that’s not quite the reality and not the whole truth; if you think that being negative, pessimistic, and angry is the best way to live your life, that is also incorrect from My personal experience.

I have always been a somewhat negative person and overly pessimistic, and that gets in the way from time to time; However, I have been working on being more positive, taking more risks, and living life to the fullest. I do believe that going through life thinking that everything is Great no matter what happens and that you will never be brought down, and then every tragic thing is somehow a lesson to the incredible up-and-coming thing in your life is absurd.

One of the downsides to being too optimistic all the time, Is that it makes it a lot harder to grieve with someone, listen to someone, and support someone when all you’re thinking is all the great things that are going to come out of something for the person that is suffering's, eventually good things do tend to come out a lot of stuff. Still, it’s OK for people to not necessarily see it that way or seek the good stuff out of the tragedy or situation for some time. in my personal opinion, I will not speak for anyone else, but I would say another problem with being too positive all the time is that those are the people that tend to hide the most emotion and most pain, I would argue.

The problem with being too negative, is that You can make an attack yourself a lot, because you have been trained that you are thinking unrealistically, or that your dreams are ridiculous, or that this person is always going to be better than you,you might even think you don’t deserve anything but bad luck, tragedy or struggle, but deep down you know you want to break out of that cycle and you don’t know how, I’m here to tell you that if you are in that position, we are in this together, and I am learning day by day to find the best balance possible that I can. Negativity in just the right moments, is much better than positivity in the wrong moment.

Generally it is better to be positive but it is not a good idea to turn your whole life into a happy fest because that’s not the reality of life, it is also not a good idea to turn your life into a cry festor into nonstop negativities or pessimism, you will eventually end up destroying your mind or any chance of getting confidence. Learning to find a balance of positivity and negativity is always going to be a process, we are not always going to be able to be as positive as we should, and there are going to be times we’re not going to be as negative in situation as we should be. Balance, that is key, if you find the key one day, please come find me. Is nothing wrong with process, learning, growing and development.

The truth and reality behind self-hatred

Pain is never fun; pain is never appealing. But it is also highly necessary in order to grow. We all experience pain in all different ways, as well as a lot of the same ways, falling off a bike, cracking your head open, breaking bones, and getting in a car wreck. The problem with this kind of pain, and the great thing about this kind of pain, is that often that kind of pain can be bandaged, treated, and cared for. It is so much harder to care for and to deal with emotional pain and scars, sure…

; there are all kinds of treatments for depression, anxiety, stress, anger, and sadness, but what most don't realize, and sometimes I still struggle with, is that medication and treatment it's not going to fix you and help you feel better about yourself, it will help you manage it and adjust so you don't get to your Breaking Point.

But you still have to put in the work! You still have to make adjustments to discover yourself and find your happy place and Happy Spirit. Whether it's journaling, starting a business, going on a trip, figuring out what you don't like about yourself and changing it, and much more.

I can promise you I do not have it all together. I have times where I still fall apart and struggle, but I got to the point where I started hating myself so much that I knew I either had to put in the work to make changes and adjustments to my life or throw out the towel. I felt like I got to the point where those were my only options.

I chose self-growth even though sometimes that is also painful, emotional, and Powerful. I know I will eventually get to the point of loving myself and being proud of myself. It's okay to have a breakdown and moments of weakness, but it should be attached to the thought of building something beautiful out of it, instead of the idea of having nothing beautiful to develop or give to the world.

You have to work hatch self-growth every day, and sometimes tears, anger, and frustration will follow, but in the end, you will come out in a better version if you fight like hell against yourself to become that better, healthier version. It has an unbelievable amount of self-love and understanding.

Sometimes to get to the point of being willing to put in the work for self-growth, you have to get to the end of being super disgusted and hated by yourself to motivate you to change what you don't like.

“Do you hate yourself and where you are at? Well, congratulations, that means you're more self-aware than most. If you get to the point of hating yourself, you might be more willing to make changes you would not otherwise. Use the hatred for yourself to your advantage for growth, self-love, and development.”

(Hudson Rose)

If you don't like where you're at, learn, develop, grow, and change!

Albert Einstein said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”


When we look at nature, especially during this time of year, we see new growth everywhere. Flowers are peeking above the soil; buds are begging to open and show off their colors. They have been dormant for a season. They have rested, but they will not remain asleep.


As human beings, we also need growth. From the time we are born, we are growing. First physically, then emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, and spiritually.  As with any living object, growth comes after being nurtured. As humans, we are nurtured when we have relationships with others. Those close to us give us the support we need in order to test the waters of life, knowing there is a safety net waiting to catch us if required. They often accept us as is. These people are crucial in our lives. It is because of them that we feel confident in being able to search the world for whatever it is we are looking for. But we also need people who may not share our same beliefs or perspectives. You know the ones; they seem always to see life the opposite way you do. If you say the sky is blue, they say it is gray. They can frustrate you, that’s true. But these are the ones who challenge us the most and force us to grow. These are the ones who cause us to know what we believe and why we believe it or to be at least willing to figure it out.


It is while we are “figuring it out” that we have to entertain the possibility that there are multiple answers to the same question. There has to be. We all have different experiences, so one person’s answer is based on his experiences and the perspective he has formed due to his life. It is only through exploring the other answers to questions that we come to understand the bigger picture. We can rehearse and recite the answers we have been given our entire lives simply because that’s what we were taught, or we can dare to see life from a different perspective and see if we still hold the same beliefs once we have new information. Or perhaps it prompts us to search deeper for different answers. There is nothing wrong with that. That is how we become educated. That is how we grow. To stay stagnant in a mindset and refuse to search for truth makes you a prisoner, never allowing you to accept new ideas or understand differing viewpoints.


In nature, plants tend to lean toward the sun. The sun enables the process of photosynthesis to take place, which is a conversion of light, oxygen, and water into energy. This energy is needed in order for the plants to grow and bloom and produce. Humans are the same way. We need to be fed in order to grow. Not just food, but information. And this information can shape our beliefs, morals, and opinions.


And it’s not just for our well-being. Personal growth is of value to everyone around us and society. When we grow emotionally and psychologically, we become more loving and compassionate. This enables us to converse with people with different viewpoints and respect their opinions, even if we disagree. How much nicer would the world be if we lived alongside each other without feeling the need to be right about everything all the time, patiently acknowledging different values or ideas without judging them because they differ from our own.


There is a quote by Zen Shin that says, “A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms.”


When we grow, there is no need to compete with others. We can grow and bloom and show off. And the growth we experience, when shared with others, becomes seeds that are planted into another person.


Like nature, we were not created to remain dormant and never experience new growth. We were created to stand up tall, throw our arms open, and bloom.


Sometimes, it can feel easier to be alone…

Sometimes, it feels like life would be easier if it could be done alone, without worrying about social connections. There are times when you don’t have the time to make new friends or sustain relationships with current friends. People move, interests change, life gets in the way, and friendships take a back seat to other priorities.

There is a peace that comes from not having to talk to anyone, of not having to hear anyone’s opinion of you, of not having to explain yourself, and of not having to meet anyone’s expectations. But, fortunately, humans were not created to do life alone. In fact, studies have shown we are happier and healthier when we do life with other people. The Harvard Study of Adult Development, a study that began in 1938 and has tracked 724 boys into their late 90s now, concludes that social connections are one of the most important factors for people’s happiness and health. The director of the study stated the ones who had warm relationships lived longer and happier, and the ones without those relationships died earlier.

Having people around is important both physically and mentally. From the mental aspect, people can increase your sense of purpose and belonging, boost your happiness, help you cope with life, and encourage you. Of course, this doesn’t mean all people. We all have those people in our lives who seem to exist just to bring everyone around them down. No, I’m talking about good people. Your definition of good may be different than mine, but I am talking about the kind of people who care about you and are invested in your well-being, who want to help you grow and who want to see you healthy and happy.

Life situations bring us down, and sometimes there are life circumstances that we can’t seem to escape. People who are not good for you often suck the life right out of you and bring you down further because, as the old saying goes, “Misery loves company.” Good people, however, help you look at the positive aspects of life even in the darkest circumstances. They encourage you and walk with you, sharing the burden you carry. And they motivate you to have hope. Having people around you also helps you make better decisions because they help you weed out bad ideas and reinforce good ideas.

Surrounding yourself with the right people encourages growth. It’s easy to find those people who are like you, and we are often attracted to “like” people because they make us feel comfortable. There is nothing wrong with that. Those are the people who understand your perspective because they often see things the same way. Or they are the ones who can relate because they have similar experiences. But people who are too much like you can keep you from growing. It’s the people who challenge you that help you expand your thinking and question your beliefs. People with different perspectives force you to stretch, and sometimes it is uncomfortable, but it is necessary if you want to grow. And that person in your life who makes you happy and crazy at the same time, driving you to feel every emotion on the spectrum? As long as it is a healthy relationship, that crazy-happy relationship is good for you.

Physically, because having people around makes you feel included, it gives you a sense of purpose and belonging and that helps lower your cortisol level, which lowers stress, which decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease. And let’s face it, nobody really wants to feel lonely. It is one thing to be alone and another to be lonely. When you feel too lonely, you can become depressed. And depression leads to a slew of other physical conditions and an overall poor physical and emotional well-being.

Humans are social beings. We were created to do life with other people. So even when it seems hard to make new friends or sustain the friendships you already have, make the time! Surround yourself with good people and see how much better life is when you allow others to be in it.

The lightning strike elephant

Jeremy was a small elephant; from the moment he was born, he was quite different from the rest, but he knew he wanted to be more someday, do more someday, accomplish more. He was determined to go above and beyond; he was determined to stand out and be different from the rest of the elephants. This made him a Target for nicknames and teasing from the other elephants, but he didn't care; he was tired of walking around like everyone else! He wanted to fly! He didn't want to stay stuck in one place; he wanted to experiment, he wanted to grow, he wanted to learn, and he was determined to make his dream a reality. Day after day, night after night, he began to collect balloon after balloon. One day he decided he was going to do it, today was the day he was going to fly, and the balloons would help him do that. The only problem was he noticed a storm was coming in oh, he eventually tied all the balloons to himself and tried to lift them off the ground, he almost made it, then suddenly lightning came and struck the balloons. They all popped at once; he was devastated; he thought he was ready, he felt he could do it, and then his plan Came Crashing Down. Sometimes in life, we believe something is working we believe we’re finally getting our head above water, and then something comes to knock our dreams down and to try to keep us from accomplishing what we want to achieve in life; you might have to try multiple times, you might be told you're crazy, you might be called stupid, you might be called too optimistic, too loud, too quiet, two weeks and two small, someday you will make an impact on the world. You will prove everyone wrong, and you will prove yourself wrong for not believing in you! Keep going! Get crazier! Dream bigger!

Fortunately and unfortunately… We are all human

Being Human, being alive, being able to breathe, being able to be creative, being able to be kind, being able to make your own decisions, being able to fail, being able to learn, and being able to grow is a beautiful thing.

But with every beautiful part of life comes not-so-great aspects of life...

Depression, anxiety, fear, failed friendships, failed relationships, broken hearts, overthinking, underthinking, the fear of losing, the fear of winning, and the list goes on.

For every smile, there are at least a dozen tears, for every real laugh, there's a person who feels like they have to fake one, for every person with peace, there's another person who does not yet know how to find peace, for every person that dares to ask someone on a date there is a person too afraid to do so for fear of rejection, for every person with profound Joy there is a person with deep anger, sadness, and anxiety.

I have always been pretty open about my mental health struggles, not necessarily because I want to share my personal life. So hopefully, someone will read my story about my struggles and it will help them with their struggles.

If I can make a difference in one person's life by sharing my struggles, that would bring me profound happiness and joy, knowing that I could help others.

The point behind this is don't assume you know someone and how you think they are unless you know the story. Everyone will and can push through their struggles and grow, but it takes a long time to do so.

Keep hanging on, keep holding out hope, because the end of the journey will be beautiful!

Honestly, I got no idea how to run

I have walked, I have crawled, not that I have much of a choice. Otherwise, I would fall. I just haven't been in the mood for that upscale Mall, even though in my heart she calls. I can't get over that stupid wall.

 It almost just seems I'm small like I'm not quite big enough to reach the top or climb the mountain; even though I want to see that beautiful fountain, all I seem to be able to do is crawl, fall, and try to make that out of range call.

The river is deep, the mountains are tall, the valley is broad, but I can't seem to run there without the fall; they have always told me about the walls, obstacles, pain, struggle fears, but I guess I was just a dreamer, and never really felt all that pain and heartache in that picture frame.

How come my whole life seems to go in vain instead of feeling like I'm on the beach in Spain soaking in that beautiful Fame. Most days, I love life, but sometimes things seem so lame.

How come being kind seems to be more painful than being a jerk?

 When you try to make a difference, people look at you like you're drunk on wine?

 How sometimes come everything people say seems like a lie? How come everyone says they're okay? How come no one is great? How come no one is just not good? How come we can't be honest with ourselves and those around us?

We are brave, Fight through, and maybe even take on Pikachu. We don't give up even when we feel there's no hope, even we are so angry, confused, and upset with ourselves and others, even when we don't understand where we're going and why we're going and who we're going on this journey with, we fight! 

You will make it to the top of the mountain. You will reach your destination, you will find your purpose, you will find your value, and much more; you might even help others find their value.

Resilience is a big fight.

I have never been the best at being resilient with situations and taking things as they happen; if a problem or something that I was not planning for or expecting throws me off, I get freaked out easily.

It's not that I can't handle situations at all. I can usually handle situations after I process them, but I have never been one of those to jump into something and know exactly how to handle it.

Is it all a waste?!

I have always had super big out-of-the-box crazy ambitions, dreams, plans for my future est.

I have always had these Big Dreams and ambitions but with no clear idea or thoughts on how the hell I am supposed to do that! Like, "where do I even start?" "How am I going to get there?" "Who do I talk to?" Where do I go from here?"

Is hoping that I start a business one day and wanting to start one without having any clear direction on what I want to do and what business I am going to create a good idea?

What no one talks about with having a disability

I haven't been good about discussing my disability on my blog, not because I don't want to but because I don't know what to say.

I don't want to write some sob story about how having a disability sucks and how I wish my life were different sometimes because that's not necessarily true. I also don't want to write about how everything is excellent having a disability, and nothing has ever gone wrong or made me feel like I am not enough because that is not true either…

Stop going around trying to kick everybody in the A***

The world is brutal nowadays, it has always been challenging, but right now, especially there seems to be more judgment, less acceptance, more criticism over the past year than ever before.

We live in a world that says, if you disagree with me", if you do not accept my morals," my values, my beliefs, religion, my sexuality, and my growth, you are horrible, and you suck!"

"you don't care about anybody!"

You don't support me! You don't understand me!"

Invisible piece work

I've never really been one for inner or outer peace. I have always felt like my whole body, my whole spirit, my whole soul, and my entire psyche has run better off things like stress, chaos, depression, fear, anger, and sadness, or rather not that it necessarily runs better off that but just that my body has been so used to it.

I have always wanted peace, and I have always searched for it. I have never been able to attain peace, but instead, I have always felt like inner peace is unattainable for my soul, and I have never been able to find it. Some days I feel close.

Walking through Heaven and Hell at the Same Time

Walking through Heaven and Hell at the Same Time

A couple of years ago, I honestly felt like I was walking through Heaven and Hell at the same time. I often had thoughts like, “I’m not good enough,” “I shouldn’t be here,” “my friends hate me,” “I will never find a girlfriend,” and “I wish I was never born.” I had great friends and my family was supportive.