Back Again

Why does everything seem to creep up again, 

I go from seeming like I'm on the track to win, 

And then I just start to spin.

I feel stuck.

I feel broken.

I feel so blind. 

I sometimes can't even seem to see the sky. 

Sometimes I just wish I was another guy.

But why?

Why is it one week I feel like I can just get up and fly. 

And the next week I feel like I just fell down and died. 

I more often than not can't seem to track down my grandmother's cherry pie.

Most of the time, all the good things just seem to pass me by. 

But why? 

Don't you know it's all going to be fine? 

Don't you know you can make a difference even when you're broken? 

Even if you're floating on the river of slime, 

Don't you know life isn't all about voting? 

But what you choose to do when you just feel like you're choking.

Keep your head up!

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash